"Any theory of art should be required to show, if it wishes to be taken seriously, how an artist, in pursuing his artistic labour, is able to tell whether he is pursuing it successfully or unsuccessfully: how, for example, it is posible for him to say, 'I am not satisfied with that line; let us try it this way...and this way...and this way...there! that will do.' "

- R.G. Collingwood (1889-1943)

Source: R.G. Collingwood. 1938. "Good Art and Bad Art", in The Principles of Art, pp. 280-5, Oxford: Oxford university Press. Printed in: Harrison & Wood (ed). Art in Theory. 1900-2000. An Anthology Of Changing Ideas. Malden: Blackwell Publishing. Also available from URL: http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=SWu4SB92fHMC&q=collingwood#v=snippet&q=collingwood&f=false

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