"The important thing is that at a given moment one arrives at illusion. Around it one finds a sensitive spot, a lesion, a locus of pain, a point of reversal of the whole of history, insofar as it is the history of art and insofar as we are implicated in it; that point concerns the notion that the illusion of space is different from the creation of emptiness."

Jacques Lacan, Ethics. Quoted in Bhabha, Homi K. Anish Kapoor: Making Emptiness. 1998. In Anish Kapoor. Ed: Hayward Gallery. Los Angeles: University of California Press Berkley. pp:11. Also available from URL
"Inability to tolerate empty space limits the amount of space available"

- Wilfred Ruprecht Bion

Source: Wilfred Ruprecht Bion, Cogitations. Quoted in Bhabha, Homi K. Anish Kapoor: Making Emptiness. 1998. In Anish Kapoor. Ed: Hayward Gallery. Los Angeles: University of California Press Berkley. pp:11.
Also available from URL

"As a small child, I felt in my heart two contradictory feelings, the horror of life and the ecstasy of life."

- Charles Baudelaire

Source: Quoted in BrainyQuote.com. Available from URL: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/c/charles_baudelaire.html [Downloaded 2010-02-03]
"Any newspaper, from the first line to the last, is nothing but a web of horrors, I cannot understand how an innocent hand can touch a newspaper without convulsing in disgust."

- Charles Baudelaire

Source: Quoted in BrainyQuote.com. Available from URL: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/c/charles_baudelaire.html [Downloaded 2010-02-03]
"Det å male et ansikt er således ikke noe man bør gjøre - hvis man nå har forstå meg rett - med det vulgære og tarvelige mål for øye å etterligne den naturlige skjønnhet og rivalisere med ungdommen. Man har for øvrig bemerket at hesligheten slett ikke blir forskjønnet gjennom kunstgrep; de kan bare tjene skjønnheten. Hvem ville våge å tilkjenne kunsten den åndsfattige funksjon å skulle etterlikne naturen? Sminkekunsten behøver ikke å skjule seg eller prøve å gjøre seg usynlig; den bør tvert imot stilles til skue, om ikke med skapaktighet så i hvert fall med en slags oppriktighet"

- Charles Baudelaire

Source: Baudelaire, Charles. Fra Kunsten og det moderne liv (1863). Translation to Norwegian by Arne Kjell Haugen. I Bale og Bø-Rygg. 2008, s. 167-172. Quoted in Bale, Kjersti. 2009. Estetikk: En Innføring. Oslo: Pax Forlag. s. 56.